A 5-tuple $(M,C,K,E_k,D_k)$, where

  • $M$: plaintext space
  • $C$: ciphertext space
  • $K$: key space
  • $E_k$: Encryption transformation
  • $D_k$: Decryption transformation


  • Ciphertext-only attack: only know ciphertext $c$.
  • Known-plaintext attack: know ciphertext-plaintext pair $(c,m)$.

Security Requirements

  • $E_k$ and $D_k$ are known to all.
  • It should be computationally infeasible to determine $m$, given $c$.
  • It should be computationally infeasible to determine $D_k$ and $k$, given $c$ and $m$.

Transposition Ciphers

Let $f$ be a permutation of $Z_d$.

Message divided into blocks of length $d$. For each block $m=m_0 \cdots m_{d-1}$, $$ E_k(m)=m_{f(0)} \cdots m_{f(d-1)} $$ img

Simple Substitution Ciphers

Let $f$ be a 1-to-1 mapping from alphabet $A$ to alphabet $B$.

For message $m=m_0m_1m_2 \cdots$, $$ E_k(m)=f(m_0)f(m_1)f(m_2) \cdots $$ Example:



  • Insecure with both known-plaintext attacks and ciphertext-only attacks.
  • Reason: The frequency distribution of single English letters is known.

Unbreakable Ciphers

One-time pad (theoretically):

  • $m$ is a binary string.

  • $k$ is a random binary string with the same length as $m$.

  • $c = m\ XOR\ k$

  • $k$ is used for only one message and then discarded.

Linear and Nonlinear Functions

Abelian group

A set $A$ associated with a binary operation $+$ that for any $x$, $y$, $z$ in $A$,

  • $x+y \in A$
  • $(x+y)+c=x+(y+c)$
  • $x+y=y+x$
  • A special element $0 \in A$ such that $0+x=x$.
  • $\forall x \in A$, $\exists y \in A$ such that $x+y=0$.

If $A$ is a finite set, $(A,+)$ is called a finite Abelian group.


The Abelian Group $(Z_m^n,+)$

Definition: Let $m \geq 2$ and $n \geq 1$ be integers. Let $$ Z_m^n=Z_m \times Z_m \times \cdots \times Z_m (n\ copies\ of\ Z_m) $$ For any two elements $$ x=(x_1,x_2, \cdots ,x_n) \in Z_m^n,\ y=(y_1,y_2, \cdots ,y_n) \in Z_m^n, $$ define $$ x+y=(x_1 \oplus_m y_1,x_2 \oplus_m y_2, \cdots ,x_n \oplus_m y_n) \in Z_m^n $$ Proposition: $(Z_m^n,+)$ is an Abelian group with $m^n$ elements.

Linear and Affine Functions

$f:A \rightarrow B$ is linear if and only if $f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)$.

$g:A \rightarrow B$ is affine if and only if $g=f+b$, where constant $b \in B$.

Nonlinear Functions

Any function that is not affine.

Linear and Nonlinear Functions

Both of linear and nonlinear functions are needed in many cryptographic systems as basic building blocks.

Diffusion and Confusion


The minimum number of bits affected in $c$ by changing one bit in $m$ over the total number of bits in $c$.


Linear functions usually provides diffusion.


The complexity of the relations between the ciphertext-bit and the plaintext-bit and the key bits.

Nonlinear functions usually provides confusion.

With bad confusion (linear function for example), it is easy to solve $k$ given $(c,m)$.

The Iterative Design Paradigm

In order to let $E_k$ and $D_k$

  • good in diffusion and confusion
  • computationally fast

we could design a simple function $f_k$ and define $$ E_k(m)=f_{k_{16}}(f_{k_{15}}( \cdots f_{k_2}(f_{k_1}(m)) \cdots )) $$ where $k_1$, $k_2$, … and $k_{16}$ are binary string computed from $k$ according to an algorithm.

Most ciphers are designed with this approach.

The Finite Field $GF(2^8)$

Polynomials over $GF(2)$

Notation: $GF(2)=Z_2$, only 0 and 1, operations $\oplus_2$ and $\otimes_2$.

Polynomials over $GF(2)$: $a(x)=a_0+a_1x+a_2x^2+ \cdots +a_nx^n$, where $a_i \in GF(2)$.

Irreducible polynomial: $p(x)=x^8+x^4+x^3+x+1 \in GF(2)[x]$, which means $p(x)$ cannot be expressed as the product of two polynomials over $GF(2)$ with smaller degrees, just like a prime.

An reducible polynomial over $GF(2)$: $x^4+x^3+x+1=(x+1)^2(x^2+x+1)$.

The Elements in $GF(2^8)$

All the polynomials that $$ a(x)=a_0+a_1x+a_2x^2+a_3x^3+a_4x^4+a_5x^5+a_6x^6+a_7x^7 \in GF(2)[x] $$ where $a_i \in {0,1}$. Hence $GF(2^8)$ has $2^8$ elements.

The Addition Operation of $GF(2^8)$

For any two elements $$ a(x)=a_0+a_1x+a_2x^2+ \cdots +a_7x^7,\ \ b(x)=b_0+b_1x+b_2x^2+ \cdots +b_7x^7, $$ their addition is defined by $$ a(x)+b(x)= \sum_{i=0}^7 (a_i+b_i)x^i \in GF(2^8) $$ Proposition: $(GF(2^8),+)$ is an abelian group with identity 0.

The Multiplication Operation of $GF(2^8)$ $$ a(x) \times b(x)=a(x)b(x)\ mod\ p(x) \in GF(2^8) $$ where $p(x)=x^8+x^4+x^3+x+1$.

Proposition: $(GF(2^8),\times)$ is an abelian group with identity 1.


The Finite Field $GF(2^8)$

Proposition: $(GF(2^8),+,\times)$ is a finite field with $2^8$ elements.

Claim: $S(y)=y^{2^8-2}=y^{254}$ is a permutation on $GF(2^8)$ and is highly nonlinear, and is employed in AES. Note that $S(y)=y^{-1}$ for all $y \neq 0$.


Lecture slides of HKUST CSIT5710, by Prof. Cunsheng DING